
Here, we will provide an example application of mossspider to highlight some of the available features.

Data Generation

Before demonstrating the application of network-TMLE, we use mossspider to generate some generic example data. Here, we will generate both a network and the covariates for that network.


mossspider provides a few functions to randomly generate networks with different structural features. Here, we will use the mossspider.dgm.uniform_network function. We will generate a network with a uniform degree distribution with degrees between 1-4 and consists of 500 nodes.

# importing uniform network
from mossspider.dgm import uniform_network

G = uniform_network(n=500,          # Number of nodes
                    degree=[1, 4],  # Min and Max degree
                    seed=2022)      # Seed for consistency

The network generation functions further assign baseline covariates W in the network. For the estimand described, W is assumed to be held constant in the super-population of networks. Therefore, the data generation step only assigns baseline covariates once. Here, W consists of a single binary covariate.

Truth or Reference Values

Next, we will generate data. First, we can use the mossspider.dgm.generate_truth function to estimate the mean under the policy of interest, \(\omega\). This function takes the specified policy, applies it to the network, calculates the outcomes from the true outcome model, and then returns the mean. To estimate the truth for the super-population of networks, we run this function a ‘large’ number of times and take the mean of the means. Below is code that does this for a policy where everyone has their probability of action \(A\) set to 0.65.

import numpy as np
from mossspider.dgm import generate_truth

# Setup values to evaluate at
omega = 0.65                          # Policy of interest
true_p = []                           # Empty storage

# Calculate truth or reference values
for i in range(5000):                 # Sim 5k times
    y_mean = generate_truth(graph=G,  # Mean for graph
                            p=omega)  # ... under omega
    true_p.append(y_mean)             # Store mean

truth = np.mean(true_p)               # Calculate mean of means

Therefore, we have simulated what the estimand is expected to be. Remember, that this estimand will change based on the distribution of \(\mathbf{W}\). Therefore, changing the seed in the generation of G will result in a different truth value here.

Observed Data

Next, we can simulate the observed data. Instead of using the policy of interest, \(A\) and \(Y\) are assigned according to some mechanism that is not the policy of interest. In practice, this mechanism is unknown and consists of the nuisance models that must be estimated to use network-TMLE. We will do this using the mossspider.dgm.generate_observed function, which returns a network with assigned actions and outcomes

from mossspider.dgm import generate_observed

H = generate_observed(G, seed=202203)

Notice that if you examine the network, nodes have three attributes: W, A, and Y. NetworkTMLE expects the input data to be formatted in a similar manner (a networkx.Graph object with assigned node attributes).


mossspider implements network-TMLE through the NetworkTMLE function. The following details how NetworkTMLE operates and broadly what happens behind the scenes.


As mentioned, NetworkTMLE expects the data to be provided in a particular form. This is to ensure all the calculations and data extractions go smoothly behind the scenes. Most importantly, NetworkTMLE expects the data to be provided as a networkx.Graph object. Furthermore, all covariates must be provided as node attributes.

Below is the initialization of NetworkTMLE for the previously generated data set

ntmle = NetworkTMLE(network=H,     # NetworkX graph
                    exposure='A',  # Exposure in graph
                    outcome='Y',   # Outcome in graph
                    verbose=True)  # Print model summaries

Besides the network, NetworkTMLE requires that the label for the action (referred to as exposure here) nad the label for the outcome in the graph are provided. There are optional arguments for the confidence-level (alpha), whether to apply a restriction based on degree (degree_restrict), and whether to display nuisance model summary information (verbose). By default no degree restriction is applied and 95% confidence intervals are provided.

Behind the scenes, NetworkTMLE extracts the covariates from the graph, creates a pandas.DataFrame, and calculates summary measures. Covariates are provided via networkx.Graph instead of a pandas.DataFrame to ensure that summary measures are all correctly calculated. This is then merged with the degree of each node (with the optional degree restriction applied). Finally, storage for intermediate pieces are created. Continuous outcomes are further bounded to be \((0,1)\) for the targeting step later on.

Exposure Nuisance Model

Next, we need to specify the exposure nuisance model. These models are used to calculate the following weights:

\[\frac{\Pr^*(A,A^s | W, W^s)}{\Pr(A,A^s | W, W^s)}\]

where the numerator is from the policy of interest and the denominator is based on the observed distribution of actions. Here, we estimate these models by factoring the probabilities as

\[\Pr(A,A^s | W, W^s) = \Pr(A | W, W^s) \Pr(A^s | A, W, W^s)\]

Therefore, two models need to be specified: one for \(A\), and one for \(A^s\). For \(A\), we will use a logistic model

# Model for Pr(A | W, W^s)
ntmle.exposure_model(model="W + W_sum",  # Parametric model
                     custom_model=None)  # ... optional argument

Certain flexible models (e.g, sci-kit learn models) can also be used. Note that these must be classifiers and are provided via the optional custom_model argument.

Next, a model for the summary measure needs to be specified. Importantly, the summary measure and an appropriate model must be selected. For available summary measures, see the Summary Measures page. Here, we will use the following summary measure

\[A_i^s = \sum_{j=1}^{n} A_j \mathcal{G}_{ij}\]

where \(\mathcal{G}\) is the adjacency matrix. This summary measure is a simple count of the immediate contacts with \(A=1\). Now, we can specify the exposure mapping model

# Model for Pr(A^s | A, W, W^s)
ntmle.exposure_map_model(model='A + W + W_sum',  # Parametric model
                         measure='sum',          # Summary measure for A^s
                         distribution='poisson') # Model distribution to use

Here, the model must be provided as well as the summary measure (measure) and the distribution to use for the model (distribution). Since our summary measure is a count, we use a Poisson regression model. While custom_models are provided, care must be taken to ensure that the distribution of that custom model agrees with the distribution argument. Otherwise, weights will not be estimated correctly.

In both of these steps, we are only specifying the parametric form of these models and the summary measures to use. The actual estimation of the weights is done later in the NetworkTMLE.fit step.

Outcome Nuisance Model

Next, we need to specify and estimate the outcome nuisance model: \(E[Y | A, A^s, W, W^s]\). Unlike the weights, we can (and will) estimate the outcome model in this function. To specify the outcome model

# Model for E[Y | A, A^s, W, W^s]
ntmle.outcome_model(model='A + A_sum + W + W_sum',

For binary outcomes (internally detected in the initialization), a logistic model is used. For continuous outcomes, the default is linear regression but other models can be used by specifying the optional distribution argument. Finally, custom models can also be used here. There is more flexibility in what algorithms could be considered (since we only need the predicted values).

Notice that the summary measure for the outcome nuisance model and the exposure nuisance model are the same for \(A^s\).

Behind the scenes, the function saves the model specification, fits the specified outcome model, and generates predicted values of the outcome under the observed values of \(A\) and \(A^s\). These estimates are all stored interally for the next step.


Finally, we can estimate the conditional mean under the policy of interest. NetworkTMLE takes the policy in the form of a float (which sets everyone to the same probability of having \(A=1\)) or as a vector (assigns each unit their own probability of \(A=1\)). Here, the policy of interest is \(\Pr(A_i)=0.65\).

# Estimation
ntmle.fit(p=0.65,          # Policy
          samples=500,     # ... replicates for MC integration
          bound=None,      # ... option to bound weights
          seed=20220316)   # ... seed for consistency

Other optional arguments include settings the number of samples to use in the Monte Carlo integration procedure (samples, see below for details on this), truncation of estimated weights (bound), and a random seed for consistent results of the estimation procedure.

Behind the scenes, there are lots of steps that occur. First, checks are applied to make sure the nuisance models are all specified and the policy is been specified in a compatible format. Next, the weights are estimated. This is done by estimating the denominator using the observed data. For the numerator, we can’t use the policy of interest directly (since it is specified in terms of \(A_i\) and not \(A_i,A_i^s\)). Therefore, we use a Monte-Carlo procedure. Briefly, we generate samples copy of the data. To each copy, the stochastic policy is applied. Using all copies of the data with the copy of the stochastic policy applied simultaneously, the exposure nuisance models are estimated. Then the observed \(A_i,A_i^s\) and estimated model parameters are used to estimate the numerator. If bound is specified, the weights are then bounded.

Next, the targeting step is applied. This involves taking the predicted values from NetworkTMLE.outcome_model and the estimated weights and fitting a weighted intercept-only logistic model. Then the outcome model is used to predict the outcome under the policy of interest and is updated using the estimated targeting model. Since stochastic policies have a number of different possible distributions, a Monte-Carlo procedure is again used. Here, we re-use the data sets generated in the weight estimation step. Using the \(A_i,A_i^s\) under the policy, predicted values of the outcomes are generated, updated via the targeting model, averaged over each data set, and finally averaged across the samples.

Finally, the variance is calculated. Two variances are calculated. The first assumes that all dependence is due to direct transmission only, while the second allows for direct and latent transmission. For theoretical reasons, the latter will generally be preferred.

Note that increasing samples will result in a more ‘stable’ estimate (it will be less subject to random noise if a different seed had been used). Personally, I have found good performance with 100-500. Ideally, you would run as much as possible. Unfortunately, the most computationally intensive part is the generation of copies of the data set. Therefore, run-times are highly dependent on the value used for samples.

Summary Results

A summary of the results can be printed to the console via:

# Displaying results

To increase the number of decimals displayed, use the decimal argument.


Finally, we have a diagnostic available. The diagnostic provides a plot to visually assess how well-supported the policy of interest is by the observed distribution of \(\mathbf{A}\). Briefly, the diagnostic plots the summary measure \(A_i^s\) by \(A_i\) in the observed data. This is then contrasted with \(A_i^s\) under the policy (as generated in the Monte-Carlo step). For well-supported policies, the observed data and generated data under the policy should overlap. If there is little overlap, this is indicative of the policy of interest being poorly-supported by the data. Poorly-supported policies can result in biased estimation and poor confidence interval coverage. For details see […].

The diagnostic plot can be generated via

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


Additional Examples

Additional examples are provided here.