
Documentation for available functions and arguments for those functions are provided here.


NetworkTMLE(network, exposure, outcome[, ...])

Implementation of the Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimator (TMLE) for network dependent data.

Data Generation

uniform_network(n, degree[, pr_w, seed])

Generates a uniform random graph for a set number of nodes (n) and specified max and min degree (degree).

clustered_power_law_network(n_cluster[, ...])

Generate a graph with the following features: follows a power-law degree distribution, high(er) clustering coefficient, and an underlying community structure.

generate_observed(graph[, seed])

Simulates the exposure and outcome for the uniform random graph (following mechanisms are from Sofrygin & van der Laan 2017).

generate_truth(graph, p)

Simulates the true conditional mean outcome for a given network, distribution of W, and policy.


Plan to add some basic utilities in a future version (such as helping setup the network as NetworkTMLE expects).